UBC Day 16: I’m Not the SuperHero You Need, but I’m the SuperHero You Deserve?

I have many gifts and talents, but none of them extend to work around the house that goes beyond basic cleaning. I’ve lived in apartments for most of my adult life. I’ve never been the type who could just touch something with their hands and figure out how it all goes together, or more importantly, how it comes apart. These are probably lessons I should have learned early on. If I had, though, I wouldn’t have such great stories!
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UBC Day 14: What Book is That Anyway?

Anyone who knows me at all understands that I love to read. They also know that I enjoy community. The ability to both read what I like and be able to discuss genres and its myriad of tropes should be considered a match made in Heaven. Listening to the perspective of others and giving book recommendations is incredibly fun. There are, however, some downsides to being a part of online book spaces that I would like to discuss, particularly when it comes to Facebook groups.
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UBC Day 12: Showing Love to Myself, or How to Swim Up a Waterfall

No one will ever love you unless you love yourself. This is a well-meaning phrase that has been used repeatedly to try to encourage those of us with issues surrounding self-worth and difficulty in seeing ourselves the way that others see us to somehow figure it out. The subtext is usually that if we don’t get it together, we’ll never have relationships, and no one will love the scarred, broken pieces. The message seems to say that the only people worth loving are those who are pristine. I don’t believe people who say this phrase mean that, but impact often trumps intent.
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